


cg tsvdiff ?options? file1 file2


compare tsv files


tsvdiff compares tsv files, taking into account that they are tsv files (if they have an extension indicating they are tsv files):


file to compared to file2
file to be compared to file1


-q 0/1 (-brief)
only show files which differ (not the differences of each file)
-c 0/1
ignore differences in comments
-f fields
only compare the given fields
-x excludepattern (-exclude)
exclude files that match excludepattern. This option can be given multiple times
-i ignorefields (-ignorefields)
ignore differences in the given fields. This option can only be given once. For more fields, give a (space spearated) list.
-t l/xl/sd/diff (-type)
type of diff: l first converts files to a long format where each line is split so that for each field you get a line of the form "fieldname fieldvalue" xl is similar to l, but adds extra data describing the variant or region before each line (-> variant fieldname fieldvalue)
-y 0/1 (-side-by-side)
compare side by side
-sc 0/1 (-suppress-common-lines)
do not show common lines (in side by side comparison
-split 0/1 (-splitlines)
add an extra empty line between each line before comparison (this will split up multiline diffs)
-s 0/1/list (-sort)
sort tsv files before comparing (sort order is ignored)
-d progname (-diffprog)
show diff using progname (conversion from e.g. xl type is done first)
-w number (-width)
number of characters the display is wide (for side by side)
-lines number
only compare the first number of lines

