


cg tsv2vcf ?options? ?infile? ?outfile?


Converts data in genomecomb tab-separated variant format (tsv) to vcf.


cg tsv2vcf converts a genomecomb tab-separated variant file (tsv) to a vcf. If metadata is present in the tsv file (in the genomecomb metadata format), it will be used for creating the vcf header. If the metadata is not present, A number of default descriptions for the fieldnames are used to create the header (these are based on the gatk(h), samtools, etc. variantcallers) The commands needs the genomic reference sequence, which can be given directly using the -refseq option or indirectly using -dbdir.


file to be converted, if not given, uses stdin. File may be compressed.
write results to outfile, if not given, uses stdout


-split 0/1
tsv files usually have all variants on separate lines. cg tsv2vcf will by default merge variants that start at the same position (as usual in the vcf format). Using -split 1, will put these on separate lines as well
-refseq refseq
genomic reference sequence
-dbdir dbdir
dbdir containing reference genomes databases, used to find the genomic reference
-sample samplename
For single sample tsv files (not multicoompar) the samplename that will be used in the vcf file can be given using this option. If not given, it will try to find the samplename in the file (metadata), or base it on the filename


Format Conversion