


cg shadow_mkdir ?options? dir ?shadowdir?


create a shadowed dir


cg shadow_mkdir creates a directory dir that is actually a softlink pointing to a (generated) storage directory (shadow) in another location, typically on another (file)system.

The shadow is made as a subdirectory of the directory shadowdir: This can be given using the option -shadowdir or else the environment variable SHADOWDIR is used. If -shadowdir is not specified, nor the environment variable SHADOWDIR defined, a normal directory will be made instead (i.e. like a simple "mkdir $dir")


"directory" to be made


-shadowdir shadowdir
The actual storage directory (shadow) wil be generated in shadowdir


Shadow dirs are esp. usefull to provide a faster and/or untracked (by e.g. zfs snapshots or backups) storage location for making temporary/intermediate files that should still be accessible from different jobs and nodes in the original data structure.

genomecomb e.g. uses workdirs to temporarily store the the temporary results from separate jobs aligning fastqs, variant calling of separate regions, etc. and combines the results (in yet another job). If SHADOWDIR is defined, shadows are used for these workdirs; these can be located on a fast ssd server separate from the experiment directory, while not filling up space (and potentially being snapshot or synced to backup) on the experiment storage.


To delete a shadow, use

cg shadow_delete dir

shadow_delete will delete both the link and the shadow storage, after checking it is actually a shadow dir (It will give an error if the shadow dir contains a softlink named shadow_source, which shadow_mkdir makes to point to dir). If dir is not a link, the directory will be deleted.


If you would use e.g. ```rm dir``` only the link would be deleted; the actual (orphaned now) storage dir would remain. You can clean out orphaned storage dirs from shadowdir using

cg shadow_clean ?shadowdir?

To see if a shadow is orphaned, shadow_clean checks the link named shadow_source in the shadow dir. If shadow_source no longer exists, the shadow is deleted; Beware that if you moved shadow_source (by e.g. moving the directory in which it is located), it will not be found, and the shadow dir deleted on shadow_clean.

