


cg select ?options? ?datafile? ?outfile?


Command for very flexible selection, sorting and conversion of tab separated files


Scans a tab separated file with header, and returns selected lines and columns, optionally sorted. cg select can also add new columns calculated based on the content of other columns. It can also be used to create summaries. Examples of its use can be found in howto_query


file to be scanned, if not given, uses stdin. File may be compressed.
write results to outfile, if not given, uses stdout. If outfile has an extension indicating compression (e.g. .zst), the output file will be compressed using the proper method.


-f fields
list of fields to be written to result. Can contain wildcards or new calculated fields (see further)
-fo 0/1
if using the -f option, keep the field order from the original file (usefull when e.g. using wildcards)
-q query
only lines fullfilling conditions in query will be written to outfile (see further)
-qf queryfile
only lines fullfilling conditions in queryfile will be written to outfile (see further)
-rf removefields
write all, except given fields to result.
-samples samples
Only the given list of samples (space separated) will be included in the output. All non-sample related fields (those without a -) will be included. The sample nnames may contain wildcards (*)
-samplesfile file
same as the -samples option, but the samples are given in a file (one sample per line, no header)
-ssamples samples
same as -samples, but the order of fields in the file will be changed, so that samples are sorted as in the parameter
-s sortfields
sort on given fields using natural sort, so that e.g. 'chr1 chr2 chr10' will be sorted correctly) If a sort field is prepended with an -, the sort will be reversed for that field. If sortfields is "-", the default sort fields will be used (based on following fields, if present: chromosome,begin,end,type,alt,strand,exonStarts,exonEnds,cdsStart,cdsEnd). This will also accept name variations of the fields, such as chrom instead of chromosome.
-sr sortfields
sort on given fields in reverse order
-si sampleinfofile
a file in which extra information about the samples can be found (see further). If a file exists with the same name as the datafile (without compression extension, if present) with .sampleinfo or .sampleinfo.tsv appended, it will be used as sampleinfofile by default.
-nh newheader
replace header in output with fields given by this option
-sh sepheader
write a resultfile without header, and write the header into the file sepheader
-hc headerincomment
if 1, the last of the starting comment lines will be used for the header instead of the first non-comment line. If 2, the result file will also have the header in the last comment.
-hf headerfile
datafile does not have a header, the header will be read from headerfile instead
-hp header
datafile does not have a header, the list (space separated) given in this parameter will be used as header for the file
-rc 0/1
remove comment
-h 0/1
return header fields in file
-n 0/1
return sample names in file
-samplingskip number
sample data, skipping number rows
-g groupfields
with this option a summary table is returned. This will contain one line with information for each value or combination of values in the given groupfield(s). groupfields has the following format: "field1 filter1 field2 filter2 ...". For more information, see further (Summaries using -g and -gc)
-gc groupcols
show other columns instead of count when using the -g option. groupcols has the following format: "field1 filter1 field2 filter2 ... functions". For more information, see further (Summaries using -g and -gc)
field that will contain the (current) row number (default ROW)
-optim fast/memory
setting to memory minimizes memory use when making summaries (-g) with very large output but is significantly slower

Fields (option -f)

With the -f option, the output can be limited to the fields given (whitespace separated list). The field argument can contain more than one line (enclose in '' when running from sh) to format for clarity, e.g.:

cg select -f '
' file.tsv

An asterix (wildcard) can be used to indicated several fields matching a pattern. If a field with wildcards is prefixed with a minus, all fields not matching the pattern will be added. When using a wildcard, by default all matching fields will be added at that position. You can use the "-fo 1" option to keep the original field order (e.g. to keep them ordered per sample when using something like zyg-* coverage-* ...)

A field starting with fieldname=formula will add a calculated field: a field with the given fieldname for which the value will be calculated using the given formula. The formula can use any of the fields in the file and all operators or functions described further in the query secction. If the formula is complex (includes spaces), add braces around the entire field=formula.

Calculated fields can be used in queries If the field definition is preceeded by a -, it is not included in the output (but can still be used in queries.

You can create multiple calculated fields in one go using wildcards (*,\*\*,\*\*\*,...), e.g. freq-**=$count-**/double($total) to calculate columns freq-sample1, freq-sample2, ... for each sample for which a count-sample1, count-sample2, ... exists. Different patterns can be combined using different number of asterisks. The example uses 2 asterisks. You can use 1, but have to be careful; if the definition contains a multiplication (an asterisk), it would also be replaced by the pattern.

Query (option -q)

Queries (-q) are used to limit the output to lines fullfilling the conditions in query: Only lines for which the query is true are in the output. The query argument may be formatted for clarity using newlines (enclose in '' when running from sh) to format for clarity, e.g.:

cg select -q '
    $type == "snp"
    and $quality >= 30
' file.tsv

Using field values

In queries, the value of a field for the line can be accessed using a $ followed by the name of the field, e.g. the query $start > 10000 will only return lines where the value in the field start is larger than 10000.

Fields can contain lists of values separated by commas (or semicolons or space) (= a vector). In such case a simple > operator will give errors, as it only works on numbers. There are several functions and operators (described further) to handle these kind of values, e.g the query "lmax($freq) < 5" can be used to select only lines for which the maximum freq in the list/vector is smaller than 5.

The special variable ROW will contain the row number of the current line. $ROW starts at 0 for this first line after the header/comments. e.g.: $ROW == 1000 will select data line 1000 in the file. If the tsv file already has a field ROW, you must define another fieldname to contain the row number with the -rowfield option.


Queries support all operators provided by Tcl expr:

== !=
Boolean equal and not equal. Each operator produces a zero/one result. Valid for all operand types.
< > <= >=
Boolean less, greater, less than or equal, and greater than or equal. Each operator produces 1 if the condition is true, 0 otherwise. These operators will give an error if its operands are not numbers. You can use st,gt,se,ge, operators if you also want to compare strings
lt gt le ge
Boolean less, greater, less than or equal, and greater than or equal; These operators work on strings as well as numbers; the comparison is done as in a natural sort, so e.d. "a10" gt "a2"
+ -
Add and subtract. Valid for any numeric operands.
* / %
Multiply, divide, remainder. None of these operands may be applied to string operands, and remainder may be applied only to integers. The remainder will always have the same sign as the divisor and an absolute value smaller than the divisor.
Logical AND. Produces a 1 result if both operands are non-zero, 0 otherwise. Valid for numeric operands only (integers or floating-point).
Logical OR. Produces a 0 result if both operands are zero, 1 otherwise. Valid for numeric operands only (integers or floating-point).
- + ~ !
Unary minus, unary plus, bit-wise NOT, logical NOT. None of these operands may be applied to string operands, and bit-wise NOT may be applied only to integers.
Left and right shift. Valid for integer operands only. A right shift always propagates the sign bit.
Bit-wise AND. Valid for integer operands only.
Bit-wise exclusive OR. Valid for integer operands only.
Bit-wise OR. Valid for integer operands only.
z : If-then-else, as in C. If x evaluates to non-zero, then the result is the value of y. Otherwise the result is the value of z. The x operand must have a numeric value.

Some extra operators are added:

condition1 and condition2
condition is true if both condition1 and condition2 are true (same as &&)
condition1 or condition2
condition is true if either condition1 or condition2 is true (same as ||)
value ** /pattern/
true if value matches the regular expression given by pattern

Several functions (see further: matches, regexp, oneof, shares, ...) can also be used as operators, e.g.

value matches pattern
true if value matches the glob pattern given by pattern (using wildcards * for anything, ? for any single character, [chars] for any of the characters in chars)
value regexp pattern
true if value matches the regular expression given by pattern


Queries support all functions provided by Tcl expr

exponential of arg.
floating-point remainder of the division of x by y.
Computes the integer part of the square root of arg.
natural logarithm of arg. Arg must be a positive value.
base 10 logarithm of arg. Arg must be a positive value.
Computes the value of x raised to the power y.
The argument may be any non-negative numeric value.
smallest integral floating-point value (i.e. with a zero fractional part) not less than arg. The argument may be any numeric value.
largest integral floating-point value (i.e. with a zero fractional part) not greater than arg. The argument may be any numeric value.
If arg is an integer value, returns arg, otherwise converts arg to integer by rounding and returns the converted value.
absolute value of arg.
The argument may be any numeric value, If arg is a floating-point value, returns arg, otherwise converts arg to floating-point and returns the converted value. May return Inf or -Inf when the argument is a numeric value that exceeds the floating-point range.
The argument may be any numeric value. The integer part of arg is determined and returned. The integer range returned by this function is unlimited, unlike int and wide which truncate their range to fit in particular storage widths.
The argument may be any numeric value. The integer part of arg is determined, and then the low order bits of that integer value up to the machine word size are returned as an integer value. For reference, the number of bytes in the machine word are stored in tcl_platform(wordSize).
Accepts any numeric value, or any string acceptable to string is boolean, and returns the corresponding boolean value 0 or 1. Non-zero numbers are true. Other numbers are false. Non-numeric strings produce boolean value in agreement with string is true and string is false.
The argument may be any numeric value. The integer part of arg is determined, and then the low order 64 bits of that integer value are returned as an integer value.
argument with the greatest value.
argument with the least value.
Returns a pseudo-random floating-point value in the range (0,1). The generator algorithm is a simple linear congruential generator that is not cryptographically secure. Each result from rand completely determines all future results from subsequent calls to rand, so rand should not be used to generate a sequence of secrets, such as one-time passwords. The seed of the generator is initialized from the internal clock of the machine or may be set with the srand function.
The arg, which must be an integer, is used to reset the seed for the random number generator of rand. Returns the first random number (see rand) from that seed. Each interpreter has its own seed.
arc cosine of arg, in the range [0,pi] radians. Arg should be in the range [-1,1].
arc sine of arg, in the range [-pi/2,pi/2] radians. Arg should be in the range [-1,1].
arc tangent of arg, in the range [-pi/2,pi/2] radians.
arc tangent of y/x, in the range [-pi,pi] radians. x and y cannot both be 0. If x is greater than 0, this is equivalent to “atan [expr {y/x}]”.
cosine of arg, measured in radians.
hyperbolic cosine of arg. If the result would cause an overflow, an error is returned.
Computes the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle “sqrt [expr {x*x+y*y}]”.
sine of arg, measured in radians.
hyperbolic sine of arg. If the result would cause an overflow, an error is returned.
tangent of arg, measured in radians.
hyperbolic tangent of arg.

Several extra functions have been added:

Logical functions

condition is true if condition is not true
if(condition,true,?condition2,true2, ...?false)
if condition is true, the value for "true" will be returned, otherwise the last parameter (false) is returned
if an error is generated when calculating value, the function returns errorvalue. If errorvalue is not given, catch returns 1 on an error, and 0 on success (without catch, the error message is returned.)

Bio functions

begin-end",...): is true for any region in dataset that overlaps the given regions. Can also be given as region(chromosome,begin,end,...). If the chromosome value in the query or the data file starts with chr, this part is ignored: chr2 will match 2, as wel as Chr2.
Returns the chromosome name without "chr" in front (if present)
true if the given sample is a homozygous variant. This is equivalent to ($sequenced-samplename == "v" && $alleleSeq1-samplename == $alleleSeq2-samplename)
returns the zygosity code given the parameters. The sequenced parameter is optional; if it is present, a "u" will cause the zygosity to also be "u". Possible result codes are: m (homozygous, alleles are equal and in alt), t (heterozygous, one of the alleles is in alt, the other is ref), r (reference, both alleles are ref) c (compound, at least one allele in alt, the other is not ref), o (other, at least one allele is not ref, but none are in alt) v (variant, but genotype was not specified), u (unsequenced) ? (could not deduce)
returns the list of transcript names affected by a variant for the given gene set, potentially filtered by impact type. geneset is the base name of the gene annotation, e.g. when it is "refGene", the field "refGene_descr" will be used to extract the transcipt names, "refGene_gene" for the gene name and "refGene_impact" for the filtering. If filter is given (a comma separated list if impacts), only transcripts where the variant has one of the given impacts are returned. You can use wildcards and > to select multiple impacts in the filter (e.g. CDS* for CDS impacts and >=CDSmis for anything at the level of missense and higher in the list). type determines what is returned: t for only transcipt name, gt for gene and transcript name and g for only the gene name.
returns the maximum impact from one or more lists of impacts. The order of impact is as in the list given in cg annotate
for an alignment tsv (typically converted from a bam/sam file) this will return the allele of the aligned sequence at the specifield (reference) position. The fields chromosome, begin, end, cigar and seq must be present in the tsv file. If the read does not align in the region, the empty string is returned. If the region is completely in a deletion of the read, "-" will be returned region is in the format "<chr>:<begin>-<end>", the optional parameter includeins can be set to 1 to include neighboring insertion sequences, or 0 (default) to not include them

Number functions

between(value,{min max}) or between(value,min,max)
true of value is >= min and <= max (e.g. "between($begin,1000,2000)") This function can also be used as an operator, eg "$field between {1 2}"
returns the minimum of a1, a2, ... min will return an error if one of the values is not a number. Use lmin if some values are list of numbers, or not numbers.
returns the maximum of a1, a2, ... max will return an error if one of the values is not a number. Use lmax if some values are list of numbers, or not numbers.
returns the average of the values given. Non-number values are ignored. If no number was given, the answer will be NaN
true if value is a valid number
true if value is a valid integer
returns a fraction as a percent
if value is not a number, it returns the given default, otherwise value
format(formatstring, arg, ...)
format the given arguments according to the given formatstring. formatstring follows the ANSI C sprintf specification, e.g. use "%.2f" to print a floating point number with two digits after the decimel point

String functions

returns the string length of value
returns the uppercase version of string value
splits the string value on each occurence of any character in splitchars
makes one long string by appending all values.
returns true if the given field is equal to one of the values
true if value matches the regular expression given by pattern
true if value matches the regular expression given by pattern without taking into account case (nocase)
extract the part matching the given pattern from value
substitutes values matched by pattern in value by replace
true if value matches the glob pattern given by pattern (using wildcards * for anything, ? for any single character, [chars] for any of the characters in chars)
like matches but without taking into account case (nocase)

multifield functions

The following functions address multiple fields.

count($field1, $field2, ..., test)
Counts the number of fields that fullfill the test (can be things like: ' == "A"' or '< 20')
counthasone($field1, $field2, ..., test)
Counts the number of fields containing a commma separated lists for which one of the values fullfills the test
counthasall($field1, $field2, ..., test)
Counts the number of fields containing a commma separated lists for which all of the values fullfill the test An asterix can be used to indicated several fields matching a pattern. As field names specific to a sample are made by appending with -samplename, something like count($sequenced-*, == "v") will give the number of samples for which a variant was found

Sample and analysis aggregates

Sometimes you want summary info for each (selected) variation over the samples in the file (e.g. in how many samples is the variant present, in which samples, ..). You can do this in a limited way using the previous count functions using an asterix, but it is very difficult to combine queries (correctly) this way. Sample aggregate functions can be used (much easier and more flexible) for this purpose:

A sample aggregate function will loop over all samples in a line, testing a condition or aggregating values. In the arguments of the function (condition, value), you can use field names without the sample part, which will then be used for each sample, e.g. scount($sequenced-gatk-rdsbwa == "v") will count the number of samples for which sequenced-gatk-rdsbwa-<sample> is equal to "v". Samples that do not have the required field(s) are ignored.

A special variable named sample is available with the name of the sample, e.g. scount($sample match "a*" and $sequenced-gatk-rdsbwa == "v") will count the number of samples starting with an "a" for which sequenced-gatk-rdsbwa-<sample> is equal to "v"

Following sample aggregates are available:

number of samples for which condition is true
returns a (comma separated) list with results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns a non-redundant (comma separated) list of the results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
number of unique values in field
returns the minimum of results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns the maximum of results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns the sum of results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns the average of results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns the standard deviation of results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns the median of results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns the mode of results of value for each sample for which (if given) condition is true
returns 100.0*(number of samples for which condition1 and condition2 are true)/(number of samples for which condition1 is true)

The same functions starting with an a instead of an s (acount, alist, ...) are available for caclculating aggregate functions looping over all analyses, e.g. aavg($quality) to calulated the average quality over all analyses in a line. The special variable "analysis" will be available within the arguments.

comparing samples

compare(analysisname1,analysisname2, ...)
compares the variant in the given analyses, and returns one of: sm (variant with the same genotype in all given analyses, with all sequenced) df (different: variant in some, reference in other, with all sequenced) mm (mismatch; variant in all, but different genotypes, with all sequenced) un (unsequenced in some analyses, variant in one of the others)
same(analysis1,analysis2, ...)
same: all analyses have the same genotype (does not have to be a variant) (all sequenced)
sm(analysis1,analysis2, ...)
same: variant with the same genotype in all given analyses (all sequenced)
df(analysis1,analysis2, ...)
different: variant in some, reference in other (all sequenced)
mm(analysis1,analysis2, ...)
mismatch; variant in all, but different genotypes (all sequenced)
un(analysis1,analysis2, ...)
unsequenced in some analyses, variant in one of the others


Several functions and operators deal with vectors, fields containing multiple values in the form of a comma (or ; or space) separated list.

vector functions (comma separated lists)

The following functions allow use of vectors in queries

lmin(vector, ...)
the minimum of the list of numbers in vector(s). A default value (NaN or not a number) is given for non-numeric characters (-); any comparison with NaN is false.
lmax(vector, ...)
the maximum of the vector. A default value (NaN or not a number) is given for non-numeric characters (-); any comparison with NaN is false.
lmind(vector, ..., def)
same as lmin, but you can set the default value for non-numeric characters is given as the last parameter
lmaxd(vector, ..., def)
same as lmax, but you can set the default value for non-numeric characters is given as the last parameter
lminpos(vector, ...)
position (within the index) of the minimum value. If more than one vector is given, the position of the minimum of all vectors is given
lmaxpos(vector, ...)
position (within the index) of the maximum value. If more than one vector is given, the position of the maximum of all vectors is given
lsum(vector, ...)
the sum of the list of numbers in vector(s). Non numeric values are ignored. If no numeric value is present in the vectors, NaN (not a number) will be returned; any comparison with NaN is false.
lavg(vector, ...)
the average of the vector. Non numeric values are ignored. If no numeric value is present in the vectors, NaN (not a number) will be returned; any comparison with NaN is false.
lstdev(vector, ...)
the standard deviation of the vector. Non numeric values are ignored. If no numeric value is present in the vectors, NaN (not a number) will be returned; any comparison with NaN is false.
lmedian(vector, ...)
the median of the vector. Non numeric values are ignored. If no numeric value is present in the vectors, NaN (not a number) will be returned; any comparison with NaN is false.
lmode(vector, ...)
the mode (element that is most abundant) of the vector. The result can be a new vector (if multiple values occur at the same count)
number of elements in the vector (also llength)
the sorted vector (uses natural sort)
vector(value1,value2, ...)
creates a vector from a number of values. If some elements are vectors themselves, they will be concatenated
lindex(vector, position)
the value of the element at the given position in the list. The first element is at position 0!
lrange(vector, start, end)
the a sublist of vector from element at position start up to and including the element at end. The first element is at position 0!
lsearch(vector, element, ?args?)
returns the position of element in the list vector. If "-glob" is given as an extra argument, element can be a glob pattern.
contains(vector, value)
true if vector contains value. This can also be used as an operator: vector contains value
shares(vector, valuelist)
true if vector and the list in valuelist (a SPACE separated list!) share a value. This can also be used as an operator: vector shares valuelist
true if one of elements of the vector is true
true if all elements of the vector are true
number of elements in vector that are true

vector operators

Several special operators are added that work on comma (or ; or space) separated lists (vectors). The result of such an operator is also a vector. The arguments to such an operator must be of the same length, or one of them must be of length 1. If one of them is of length 1, the same element will be used versus all elements in the other vector. Supported operators are: @, @*, @/, @%, @-, @+, @>, @<, @>=, @<=, @==, @!=, @&&, @||, vand, vor, vin, vni

vector functions (that return vectors)

vdistinct(vector, ...)
returns a vector in which each element in one of the vectors occurs only once
returns vector of absolute values of given vector
returns vector with average value for each position in the vector
returns vector with maximum value for each position in the vector
returns vector with minimum value for each position in the vector
returns the given vector, but with all non numbers replaced by default
vif(condition,true,?condition2,true2, ...?false)
like if, but conditions, true1, ... and false may be vectors, and a vector is returned
vformat(formatstring, arg, ...)
same as format, but arg may be a vector, and the result is a vector

Summaries using -g and -gc

The -g (groupfields) and -gc (groupcols) allow the flexible creation of summaries by calculating summary or aggregate values for uniqe combinations of values in different fields. The default summary is a count of lines, e.g. using the field "type" in -g will return the number of each type of variant in a variant file. The summary is made taking into account the query (-q).

The resulting summaries are again in the tsv format and can be queried again.

Warning: This option will use memory proportional to the size of the resulting summary!, so grouping on e.g. position in a file with millions of lines may exaust the memory. You can use the option -optim memory to use a method which uses litle memory, but is significantly slower.


The groupfields option is used to enter the field(s) to aggregate upon (together with a filter to apply for each field) in the following format: "fieldname1 filter1 fieldname2 filter2 ..." If the parameter is given with only one element, this field is used without filter. If multiple fields are given, they must be alternated with a filter. Fields used as groupfields may be calculated columns. The resulting tsv file will contain a column for each of the grouping fields (and added columnsfor the summary data).

The filter elements can be used to show only specific values for each field. The filter is a list of allowed values separated by spaces. If a list element contains spaces, enclose it in {}. Filter elements can contain wildcards (*) that match any set of characters (e.g. CDS* to match any value starting with CDS). If the filter is * or {} (=emtpy) all values will be used.

The special field all can be used to summarize over all selected lines. The value of the field "all" (unless it is actually present in the file) will be "all" for all lines. This allows you to e.g. count the number of result lines of a query by adding -g all. If the file contains an actual field "all", you can use "-" or "_" instead to get an overview summary.

muticompar tsv files can contain data of multiple samples or analyses: Sample/analysis specific fields are indicated by adding the analysis as a suffix to the generic/returning fieldname, separated by a - character. The analysis can consist of multiple parts separated by -. The last part of the analysis is the sample name, e.g. zyg-gatk-bwa-sample1 contains the zygosity data determined by gatk on a bwa alignment of sample1.

The use of the field sample or analysis for grouping (if not present in the file) triggers a different interpretation of the file: Instead of calculating aggregate info (e.g. counting) by collecting info per line, info is now analyzed per sample or analysis. You can add sample specific fields without the sample/analysis suffix for grouping, e.g. -g 'sample * zyg-gatk-bwa *' will list the number of reference, homozygotes, ... called by gatk for each sample. (use -g 'analysis * zyg *' if you want the data for each analysis in the file). Only data on samples that have all fields required are in the summary: Samples with missing (either -g or -gc) fields are ignored. If a field is not found in any of the samples, an error is given. Further, only only one of sample or analysis can be used as a field. Using both together (in either -g or -gc) will also cause an error)

If a field is given that only exists in the file as part of an analysis/sample specific one, processing per sample/analysis is also triggered, even though the aggregate will not be separated per sample. e.g. using zyg (in a file with only zyg-samplexx fields) will result in counting zyg values for all variants in all samples/analyses together.


The groupcols (-gc) option can be used to add other summary columns than the default count. groupcols is a list with the following format: "field1 filter1 field2 filter2 ... functions". A different column will be made in the summary table for each combination of values in field1,field2,... They can be filtered the same way as in the -g option.

The last element in this (space separated) list is functions. This determines what type of summary data will be given in each column, I takes the form of e.g. avg(quality), which will return the average of the values in the quality column matching the given values in group and column. Supported functions are

number of lines (does not need a field argument)
count as percent versus total count in given column
count as percent versus total count in given group (row)
minimum of all values in the field (for the given group and column)
sum of values in this field
standard deviation
number of unique values in field
lists (comma separated) all distinct values found in the field
lists (comma separated) all values found in the field (the same one can occur multiple times) functions can be a comma separated list to display multiple summary functions, eg. min(coverage),max(coverage) to display minimum and maximum coverage (in separate columns). A string with an asterix can be used as field, adding the aggregate function for all matching fields as a new entry to the list, e.g. min(coverage-*)

The name of the new summary field created starts with the summary function; if it has a field "argument", the name will start with function_field (e.g. max_freq). If other other grouping fields were used, the values are added in order concatenated by -

loop over list fields

Some fields (may) contain lists (e.g. genes, impacts), where you would like to summarize over the elements in the lists. You can do this by prepending the fieldname with a + or - on the groupfields or groupcols. In case of a prepended +, the select command will loop over each element in the list for each line when making the summary. This means that the same line may be counted several times (for different elements). If the same element is present multiple times in the list, it is counted multiple times. If a - is prepended, the select command will first remove duplicates in each list before looping over them. When multiple looped lists are present, all possible combinations are counted.


A sampleinfofile is a tab delimited file containing extra information about the samples in the datafile. It should contain one column named id, that will contain the sample names. other fields contain the extra data. You can use this information in most places where you use field values (queries, calculated fields, grouping) using the $fieldname-sample construct, e.g. if there is a field gender in the sampleinfofile (and not in the datafile, you can use $gender-sample1 to get the gender of sample1 in a query. This also works with analyses from a given sample, e.g. you can also use $gender-gatk-bwa-sample1.

If there are no $fieldname-sample fields, but there is a field named "sample" in the file (e.g. in the long format), that sample field will be used to make the link. In this case the sampleinfo will be available by using the plain fieldnames in sampleinfo (without -sample added)


A queryfile is a tab delimited file with a header describing a query. The output will contain resultlines where all values in the columns given in the query header in the resultline are equal to the corresponding values given in one line of the query file.

