


cg keyvalue ?options? ?infile? ?outfile?


Converts data in tsv format from wide format (data for each sample in separate columns) to keyvalue format.


Converts a tsv file containing different values of an object in one row (different fields) into a key-value format: Each of the rows is split into multiple rows (one for each data column) containing fields identifying the object followed by the fields key (fieldname of data column in original) \ and value (value in the data column).

The fields identifying the object can be specified using the -idfields option, but defaults to sample or id. sample as id field is treated special (unless an actual sample field is present in the file): The actual sample value is extracted from the fieldname (field-sample).


file to be converted, if not given, uses stdin. File may be compressed.
write results to outfile, if not given, uses stdout


-idfields list
which fields identify the object (default sample or id)
-samplefields samplefields
Using this option, sample names that consist of several parts separated by - (as typical in genomecomb output, e.g. -gatk-rdsbwa-sample1) are split up in separate fields with the field names given by samplefields
-keyname keyname
change the fieldname of the column containing the keys from the default "key" to keyname
-valuename valuename
change the fieldname of the column containing the values from the default "value" to valuename


Format Conversion